Category Archives: Life
A bit of a hit around
We’ve been driving past Robertson Park tennis courts for years, thinking we should pop in and give it a go sometime. That feeling gained some impetus when I found out that Steve Malkmus played there when Pavement came to Perth … Continue reading
Just One Cookbook’s Macaroni Gratin
This macaroni gratin is probably the first actually new recipe I’ve made this year. It was a late request on a Sunday, with just enough time to get to the shops. For ages I’ve shied away from anything vaguely rouxish. … Continue reading
Salt & Fat’s 707 Fried Chicken
I’ve made this chicken one billion times. You should give it a try. Continue reading
That sweetens the memory
A lovely quote from Kogonada on the double dialog memories in After Yang. Continue reading
Alvvays: Belinda Says
Alvvays’ Belinda Says is the first song in ages that makes me deliberately drive more slowly so I can hear it all before I get home. I’m sure I look pretty silly as I sing along to the “See how it … Continue reading
Hot Spring Amber
While I was dozing off yesterday in a relaxation chair at a hot spring in the Japanese countryside my brain recognised a slight similarity in the bland piano background music to Dick Diver’s very much not bland song Amber and … Continue reading
Fire Ceremony
A new year ceremony at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. Continue reading
If Pressed
He stands by the door, all ready to go — 250 yen in his left pocket, bus fare, and 550 yen in his right, which is for the subway. He knows he should probably get one of those cards that … Continue reading
Calendar Days is Back
I made it through a week or so without having Calendar Days playing on repeat in my head. It’s back now, especially the verse that goes “There’s a kind of quiet. A fighter jet’s applause. They’re all saw toothed fragments. … Continue reading
The Phone Disguised
Despite the valiant attempt to disguise it, nothing can hide the futuristic technology lurking with this box plonked down randomly in the Sumiyoshi Taisha grounds. It’s trying to fit in with this, so it’s a kind of high bar.
Sliding Doors and Blazing Flames
One week into my Japan trip and I have not done much at all — lots of cleaning, spending time with family, eating and drinking — which is pretty much how I planned to spend the first week. Probably the … Continue reading
Locational Connections
I used to be very into audiobooks. I mostly listened to them while taking walks around the neighbourhood. It has been yonks since I listened to an audiobook. Not for any particular reason — just a thing that happened. Same … Continue reading
Fast Tracks and Face Masks
The other day I arrived back in Japan after three years away. After having closed its doors to foreign tourists for so long Japan is really keen to get people back here. You still have to show you’ve been triple … Continue reading
Tricky Cake
It was over ten years ago, but I still clearly remember the night I came home from work and was offered this delicious looking coffee spongecake. I spent a good long while trying to cut off a piece with my … Continue reading
Not Quite My Own C64
My first computer was a Commodore 64. Way before I had my own though, I had access to one at the local public computer lab—aka, K-Mart. The local library had a few C64 magazines full of BASIC programs ready to … Continue reading