RSS and ActivityPub: A Bit Less Automation Would Be Nice

Although I love RSS and am keen on ActivityPub becoming more widely used, I wish there were some way to be more selective about when my posts get shared. After I publish something on my blog I almost always spot things that I want to add, fix, remove or improve. There’s something about a post being out in the wild that make me see it in a clearer light.

I’d like to be able to post something then at a later time hit a button to share it via RSS or ActivityPub.

When I moved back over to WordPress, I’d thought there must be a plugin out there that would enable this for RSS. Perhaps there is, but I can’t find it amongst all the other RSS plugins, which seem to be focused mainly on pulling things into a site by RSS.

I suppose I could get around it by sharing only a summary rather than the full text of a post, but I have an old-fashioned fondness for full-post RSS and, anyway, I’m sure I’d also want to edit the summaries as well.

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