Monday, 27 May 2024

Post-work workout today. First visit to the gym in the evening and it was quite a bit more crowded. Decided to give myself another chance at The Bear and loved it. It’s the perfect time for a half-hour stint on the treadmill and was completely absorbing. It was painful to see Sydney struggle through her day while being sabotaged in both malicious and “fun” ways but also great to see her work her way through it.

One of the drawbacks of watching video on your phone while on a treadmill is that you have to remember to take it with you when you’re done, which I forgot to do when I took a break to do some do something else. Luckily someone had turned it in so I was able to get it back from the front desk. Wasn’t a fan of the front desk bro telling me, “You’re lucky he handed it in. He could’ve stolen it.” Thanks for clarifying that, dude. I usually don’t mind the rudeness of strangers, and this wasn’t even that rude — the tone just rubbed me up the wrong way.

Edited a previous entry today because I had been a bit hard on myself. Being able to edit posts should be a basic free feature of every thing that lets you write on the internet.

Started a pantry clean-out today and one of my darkest secrets has bubbled up. Whenever I’m making pasta I always buy a new pack because it’s just too much trouble to call home and get someone to dig through the cupboard and give me a vague answer about how much is left, but I never use the whole thing. Still, I didn’t expect there to be this much lurking at the back of the bottom shelf. Pretty stoked that there’s so much of the wholemeal pasta. The supermarket seem to have stopped stocking this brand and the others are basically inedible.

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