Just Some Buttons

I want to get a new non-phone eReader — although I love my iPhone Mini’s size I’d like to see more than seven words on a page — and the main feature I care about is that it have page-turn buttons. Seems like that’s a high end feature these days. The two choices are the Kobo Libra 2 for $300 or the Kindle Oasis for, ahem, $420. On all the more reasonably priced options you have to tap the screen to turn the page. I know from years reading on a phone and some time with a Kindle Paperwhite that I hate tapping the screen.

So, should I spend $120 more to be able to read my fairly sizeable library of Kindle books? Should I throw my hat into the ring with the non-Amazon crowd? Most likely I’ll end up deciding, as I have in the past, that I could buy a lot of books with even the $300 that the “cheaper” option would cost and that reading on my phone is not really that bad.

Anyway, back to Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. A terrible thing has happened to Marx and I hope he pulls through.

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