This was great — just so full of great scenes and much less straightforward than I’d expected. After just one watch I don’t really feel I have a handle on what this film is about or trying to say. But I do know I’ll watch it again.

Some things that stood out for me:

  • Lydia pretending to find her partner’s blood pressure medications upon returning to Berlin when she actually stole them in the first place. A pretty clear signal that she is not a good person.
  • The whole white male cis composer scene — that student’s bimbou yuzuri is off the charts.
  • Her threatening a child — “No one will believe you because I’m a grown up.”
  • Her gradual increasing sensitivity to sounds — screams in the park, ticking metronome and the like. I need to be more aware of this on the next watch.
  • Noémie Merlant just disappears halfway through the film when it’s clear to her that she has fallen from favour — no dramatic confrontations.
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