Pitted my giddy nihilism against the garden yesterday and the garden won. Still, got halfway there and finished it off today. Insert the usual regrets at not keeping on top of things and vow to do so next time here. At least this time I won’t have to get up at 5.00 am to gather leaves and pull weeds.
Still getting used to the size of my car. I thought it was a small car but, really, it’s not. Much longer nose and much wider than the Golf. The extra width got me into a spot of bother earlier in the week as I reversed out of my carport and found myself jammed against a wooden pillar. After extricating myself, I found what I first thought were scratches but turned out to be a thing called paint transfer. Happily, after paying probably too much for a removal product, the paint is now gone, leaving just the daintiest of dents.
Very much enjoyed reading when goodness is not so good by Winnie Lim. Found me at the right time.